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Technology stack for blazing-fast websites: how Flexpress works

A peek under the Flexpress hood, for technical leaders needing to optimize the technology stack of their high-traffic websites.

In a nutshell:

Flexpress Technology Stack

Flexpress is a SaaS platform integrating the various products needed to solve critical high-traffic website business KPIs: site speed; audience and revenue growth; content and engineering ROI.

Via GraphQL API, the Flexpress React/Next.js frontend remains decoupled (“headless”) from the WordPress backend. For engineers, the main benefits being faster and easier development driven by: premium hosting and site monitoring; shared frontend component library to instantly build modern, visual React/Next.js experiences; ultra-secure backend with WordPress editorial interface; integrated monetization and analytics.

Everything in Flexpress drives toward publisher-owned, first-party data stored securely in our clients’ data warehouses to power blazing-fast speed, streamlined API integrations, and AI efficacy.

Technology stack: Essentials
  • Premium hosting with seamless backend plugin management
  • Faster development with React and Next.js frontend library
  • Backend monitoring and regulatory including GDPR and CCPA

Technology stack: Architecture

Blazing-Fast High-Traffic Sites

Overhead view of Flexpress, for engineers

We like working with Flexpress not only because of its great technology, but also because of its amazing team. This is one of the most client-oriented companies I know.

Denis StebunovFounder, Ivelum

Flexpress allows us to skip a bunch of steps, and really, really focus on the user. The best part of working on SAVEUR with Flexpress was that we could just focus on the UI, and just focus on the interactions—the little animations here and there that usually get pushed out. With Flexpress, the project took weeks vs. months— we could just focus on the fun stuff.

Greg AllenCEO, First + Third
Technology stack: Collaboration

Technology Stack: Monitoring

Premium DevOps and Site Monitoring

Flexpress monitors your sites 24/7/265 for maximum uptime, performance, and security


Flexpress uses AWS Cloudwatch Alarms to monitor critical AWS resources including RDS, Elasticache instances, and SES reputation. Flexpress tracks the following metrics for you:

  • RDS: CPU usage, IOPS burst balance, free storage space
  • Elasticache: memory usage, current items number
  • SES: Reputation, BounceRate, Reputation, ComplaintRate

AWS immediately notifies Flexpress via Slack for investigation if any metric registers outside of the preferred performance threshold.


Flexpress-hosted sites have more than 99.99999% uptime. We use Pingdom to monitor uptime for all hosted sites, with particular focus on homepages, sitemap pages, and other critical content.

Pingdom sends health checks to Flexpress every minute. If no response is received, Pingdom sends a notification to PagerDuty. PagerDuty notifies Flexpress engineers and product managers via Slack and Flexpress’s 24/7/365 on-call engineering team by phone to ensure prompt investigations.

Application performance

Flexpress uses Datadog for APM and infrastructure monitoring. The Datadog agent is installed on every EC2 host on staging, and on production EKS clusters. The Datadog agent collects the infrastructure data about CPU, memory, and free disk space, for every host. Flexpress monitors 24/7/365 all the following scenarios:

EC2 level:
  • High CPU usage
  • Low free disk space
  • Out-of-memory (OOM) event happened
Application level:
  • Impressions per ad unit anomaly detected
  • Impressions per site anomaly detected

Flexpress installs Datadog packages at the code level to track application performance, including database queries, code-level call latency, requests to third-party services, dependencies, and other performance metrics.


Flexpress uses Sentry to track application errors for hosted sites. Sentry packages are installed on a code level and send error details to the Sentry dashboard. If any error fits the specified alert rules, FlexPress engineers and product managers are notified via Slack for immediate investigation.

Custom tools

Flexpress maintains its own tools to monitor other critical site functionality, including:

Robots.txt changes:
If changes are made to robots.txt files, PagerDuty alert generated.

Failed cron jobs:
Every five minutes, Flexpress tracks failed Kubernetes CronJobs in production and staging clusters.

WordPress Post modified date alerts:
If any WordPress post date was modified programmatically, alert sent immediately to Flexpress engineers via Slack.

Technology stack: Support
  • Design and implement custom-coded experiences
  • Benefit from AI-enabled content recirculation and site search
  • Execute multi-site portfolio migrations to unified platform

When I acquired SAVEUR in 2023, I chose Flexpress to power our CMS, ads, and commerce. Flexpress' technology stack and top-notch support program allow me to focus on the work I truly love: creating transportive food and travel content for our readers.

Kat CraddockCEO and Editor-in-Chief at Saveur

Flexpress FAQ

What are your server reliability and uptime scores?

Flexpress uses AWS and Fastly as Cloud Web hosting and CDN solutions, both of which promise at least 99.999% uptime scores. Flexpress-hosted sites perform at this rate, as measured by Pingdom.

What security features do you offer?

Flexpress provides security features such as Web Application Firewall, DDOS protection, and Vulnerabilities Scanning. For a full breakdown of Flexpress’s security features, please contact Customer Support at

How often does Flexpress face downtime?

Flexpress-hosted sites have more than 99.99999% uptime, with minutes of outages per year (if that) across hundreds of millions of monthly pageviews.

If the event of an outage, what is your average response time?

Flexpress’s internal alert system allows us to respond immediately in the event of an outage.

How many customers share a single server?

Flexpress uses AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service; customer applications (e.g. sites and related services) thus work in isolated Docker containers.

Is it possible to scale up or down once I'm on Flexpress servers?

Yes, it is possible to scale up or down resources based on client requests. When responding to requests to scale up or down, Flexpress may recommend optimizations that will more effectively address the underlying reason why such a request was made. The Flexpress DevOps team configures the infrastructure to optimize speed, performance, and cost; we hold deep value for site and application performance. Flexpress’s hosting solutions allow for almost infinite scalability in terms of CPU/RAM, traffic, and storage to be able to handle sites of limitless sizes.

Does Flexpress monitor hosted sites for downtime or other potential concerns?

Yes, Flexpress offers 24-hour monitoring, with an alerts ecosystem integrating Pingdom, PagerDuty, Sentry, DataDog, AWS Cloudwatch, and more.

How often do you back up websites?

We do a production database backup every night around 1 a.m. UTC, and all backups are stored in S3.

When was the announcement about Flexpress, and CEO Ajay Rayasam?

August 27th we officially launched publicly as Flexpress. Subsequent changes will roll out over time, with our goal being only to serve our customers better. 

What is

Founded as, our team launched publicly as Flexpress on August 27, 2024 because the name Flexpress best reflects our commitment to flexibility at scale, open-source innovation, and blazing-fast site speed that maximizes audience and revenue potential for customers.

  • Website: Our website is; that’s where you go if you enter into your browser. If it’s easier to remember going forward, you can also access our site using the URL
  • Emails: You can contact Flexpress using email addresses. All emails sent to our addresses will still reach us via our inbox.
  • Support: to get support, you can always email, but please try to use our the support email:

Flexpress DXP platform: Trusted by high-traffic sites

Ready to get started?

Contact us with any questions about how to improve performance of a website technology stack.

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